Moscow On The Hudson

with Robin Williams

Viewed July 4, 2020

Feel free to come and share your own personal insights sometime; the Saturday Night Video and Discussions here in Austin, Texas are a lot of fun and fascinating. (They're free, too.) Here are the questions the group came up with, based on the personal growth themes in the movie:


  1. What have I given up for love or for a relationship? (A que he renunciado por una relación?)
  2. What have I given up for freedom? (A que he renunjcaido por la libertad?)
  3. How often have I given up my authentic self to please a lover or to conform to the powers that be, based on the urging of psychology?
  4. How have I handled people trying to coerce me to do things for their benefit instead of for my benefit? (¿Cómo he manejado a las personas que intentan forzarme para su beneficio y no para mi beneficio?)
  5. How have I dealt with seeing unjust suffering in others? (como trato el sufrimiento injusto en los demás?)
  6. How have I handled fear? (¿Cómo he manejado el miedo?)
  7. When have I been afraid to stand up to authority when I've seen someone being unjustly treated?
  8. How do I feel about situations where I am not treated as an equal? (Cuáles son nuestros sentimientos acerca de cuando no somos tratados como iguales?)
  9. What are the beliefs that have held me back?
  10. How have I handled it when I've been unjustly treated?